
Library packages include:


Provides basic generic lists, as described in Chapters 12 and following.


Defines generic lists that can be accessed with iterators, as descibed in Chapter 21.


Provides some basic utility classes. (Currently, only one class providing a simple sleep method.)


Defines elementary classes for reading from standard input, writing to standard output, and reading and writing text files. These classes were used in previous editions of the text. The current version (2nd edition J2SE5.0 version) uses java.util.Scanner, introduced in J2SE5.0, rather than nhUtilities.basicIO.

 J2SE 5.0-compatible source: (zip file) (compressed tar)

 J2SE 5.0-compiled executable: (zip file) (compressed tar)) (jar)

 Documentation: (zip file) (compressed tar) (html)

Updated 20 Mar 06 to fix problem in LinkedList.copy().

Please report any problems to:

Fred Hosch
Last modified: Wed Oct 13 10:22:12 CDT 2004