Stephen Winters-Hilt

Associate Professor



Computer Science Department:


Department of Computer Science

2000 Lakeshore Drive

University of New Orleans

New Orleans, Louisiana 70148


An old passport photo:


UNO:   504-280-2407 (Office)

Cell:     985-789-2258 (Lab)

   Group, Society and Meta Logos Websites:

The UNO Machine Learning Methods in Bioinformatics Group: (update in-process)

The Midsouth Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS):

The UNO Nanopore Cheminformatics Group: (just lab pics for now)

Meta Logos Systems and Meta Logos Inc.:



   Research Interests:

  • Bioinformatics --- gene structure identification, genomics, expression analysis
  • Cheminformatics --- channel current based molecular analysis methods
  • Machine Learning --- scalable multiclass discrimination and clustering, efficient feature extraction
  • Biophysics --- nanopore-based detection and single-molecule measurement and manipulation
  • Stochastic Sequential Analysis --- stock market analysis, power signal analysis, physics phenomenology


   Links to Education and Publications:


   Bioinformatics and Machine Learning Courses:

·         CSCI 4567: Bioinformatics I
·         CSCI 4568: Bioinformatics II
·         CSCI 4587: Machine Learning Methods in Bioinformatics I
·         CSCI 4588: Machine Learning Methods in Bioinformatics II
·         CSCI 4595: Topics in Bioinformatics
·         CSCI 6587: Advanced Machine Learning Methods in Bioinformatics I
·         CSCI 6588: Advanced Machine Learning Methods in Bioinformatics II
·         CSCI 6595: Advanced Topics in Bioinformatics


   Miscellaneous links:

·         A simple CGI File-upload and reflection example
·         A simple CGI Text-upload and reflection example
·         Golden Rectangle, Penrose tiling, Pentagrams
·         Link to Class Web-page for CSCI 2467: Unix, Perl, and C
·         Link to Class Web-page for CSCI 4525: AI
·         Link to literature collection (Zip file).



A photo from MCBIOS 2008 at the House of Blues in New Orleans: